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Eco Active 101 Team GreenSaver Gold Member - Indiv

Climate change news and action team membership with live action sessions and live webinars for family & individuals, led by Climate Reality Leaders and sustainability experts. A great way to pull together to stay up to date on the issues, reduce your carbon footprint, and influence government and industry to reduce our use of fossil fuels and move us toward Net Zero as quickly as possible. And for families, a super way to increase family harmony with parents, grandparents and kids working together to solve the climate crisis, the biggest crisis of our time.


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Refund Policy: No Refunds

Includes 10 week of service
Future Payments: $24
Billed every 1 month.

Customer Information Form
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Click For Terms of Sale
  • The vendor you are purchasing from has chosen to use the payment gateway to process its orders. Some purchases made through DUvisio are processed through PayPal. In order to make a purchase through DUvisio, customers must have a PayPal account in good standing.

  • DUvisio and it's vendors allow for return or replacement of defective products for a period of 30 days from the date of purchase unless the vendor's website states NO REFUND. For more information, refer to the DUvisio Refund Policy.

  • All products provided through DUvisio are provided by the product's vendor. Unless DUvisio is the vendor of record for a product, DUvisio does not own or maintain any product offered through DUvisio. Therefore, all support requests must be directed to the product vendor.

  • Your name and email address will be provided to the DUvisio vendor whose product(s) you have purchased upon successful completion of this sale.

  • We have recorded your current IP address as a verification of the geographic location of your computer. All attempts at fraud will be prosecuted. Your IP address has been recorded as:

  • DUvisio is not a banking institution, chartered bank, trust company or repository. DUvisio is not authorized to accept deposits and is not licensed or regulated by any state or federal banking authority.
