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Talking With Giants Book (1 Copy)

In the fall of 2003, my morning affirmation, no better said proclamation clearly appeared to me ringing out loud and strong - "I am attracting into my life everything that I need to cause over $100 million in charitable giving!" I know exactly where it came from. The message and inspiration came from a number of sources. What I did know is this proclamation was something that was lying on my heart and needed to be acted on.

From that day forward, virtually every day has been started with this proclamation. I have known for a while now WHAT I've wanted to accomplish. I can tell you with certainty that when it appeared, I had no idea HOW it was going to happen!

But here's the neat thing - if you create a big enough WHAT - the HOW starts to show up! Talking With Giants! is part of that HOW! When we put our positive intentions out into the universe, we pray, meditate and keep them in our foremost thoughts - the universe answers - it's truly amazing!

Talking With Giants! is a work that truly comes from the heart - from gratitude - and a true desire to help you feel the successes that come to those who come from a place of service and generosity to others.

Each of us has the capability to achieve whatever we set our minds to accomplish. Many times, it's when we find our higher purpose that the doors start to open up for us personally and professionally.

For years, many toil with their focus on their personal results, only to never really reach the desired result. It is only when we change their mindset and understand that it's when we help others accomplish their desires, our desires get fulfilled. We live in such a fast-paced society these days, with so much instant gratification that so few initially understand the concepts of doing for others and delayed gratification. The good news is that these are learned attributes, and when the "student is ready, the teacher will appear."

Hopefully, Talking With Giants! will awaken your inner desire to give more back to others. While it's true that you certainly will get more by giving - that's still not the reason to give. Don't put any conditions on your giving. As you give unconditionally - of your time, your funds, your love, your support, yourself, you will find riches and blessings beyond your imagination!

Giving is rewarded to levels sometimes beyond comprehension. Lives full of integrity, happiness, love, joy, and prosperity as we live a life of fulfillment - as it has all been intended from the beginning.

To your contributions and ultimate success - Please FEEL FREE to SHARE with Social Buttons below!


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