Powered By DUvisio

Attention sellers and affiliates... You can join today at NO COST in less than 5 minutes...

The World's Greatest Product Promotion... Selling... Delivery... Online Cash Creating System!

NOTE: If you ONLY want to promote other people's products, join as an Affiliate. If you want to BOTH sell your own products AND earn commissions selling other people's products, then Join as a Seller. If you choose to Join as an Affiliate now and later decide to also sell your own products, you can easily upgrade from Affiliate to Seller with one click from the Affiliate Member's Area.


Elite World Class Marketplace

Easily Sell Products Online and Offline!

Our vision was to create an elite marketplace where... Vendors can easily sell their products online and offline and still track affiliates without the fear of fraud.

Affiliates can easily find quality products to promote, knowing they'll get paid instantly.


Unequalled Fraud Prevention

Practically Eliminates All Affiliate & Vendor Fraud!

Vendors don't have to approve affiliates as the DUvisio software uses PayPal's security to approve only trust worthy affiliates. So PayPal determines which affiliates will receive instant payments.

Affiliates are paid by PayPal removing payment responsibilities from Vendors guaranteeing all Affiliates are paid when promised.

Fraud Prevention


Joint Ventures

Designed For Joint Ventures

Makes Joint Ventures Extremely Easy To Do!

DUvisio was designed from the ground up to make it easier (and more profitable) to do Joint Ventures. That means it can do cool things like give you the ability to allow your JV partners to also receive the buyer list sent to their autoresponder making Joint Ventures easier to do.



Increase Profits With Sales Funnels

It's A Breeze To Set Up Downsells and Upsells!

Upsells (OTOs) and Downsells can easily be added to any product with just one mouse click. Upsells and Downsells have proven to increase profits and DUvisio makes them extremely easy to use.


Sell Different Types Of Products

Physical, Digital, Services and Membership Products!

You can sell just about any type of product you want on DUvisio and be able to pay and receive instant commissions. As long as it totally complies with PayPal's "Terms of Service".

Sell Different Types Of Products

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Join For Free

No Cost To Join

Join For Free In Less Than 5 Minutes!

Once you are logged into DUvisio, you can go to the Market Place and promote any products you want. Just copy your affiliate link and begin your pomotions. Most vendors will supply promotional tools you can use by clicking on the "Promotion Tools" link in the Market Place.


Instant Commission Payments

Commissions Paid Instantly At The Point Of Sale!

Affiliates with a Verified PayPal Business Account will be automatically approved for instant commission payments. As soon as the customer finishes paying, the affiliate commission is transfered into the affiliate's PayPal account.

It is no longer nescessary to wait for your commission payments at DUvisio.com.

Affiliates with a Non-Verified PayPal Businss Account will have their commission payments delayed for 30 days.

Instant Pay


Vendor Fraud Prevention

Unequalled Vendor Fraud Prevention

Eliminates All Vendor Fraud!

Vendors don't have the ability to prevent paying an affiliate that has earned a commission.

PayPal automatically transfers the affiliate commission from the vendor's PayPal account to the affiliate's PayPal account.

NOTE: All vendors at DUvisio.com have Verified PayPal Business Accounts. If a vendor's PayPal account does not have enough money to pay an affiliate commission, PayPal will take the money from the vendor's bank account or credit card, which the vendor has approved as their back up funds and pays the affiliate commission.

This guarantees that all affiliates with delayed commissions will be paid. The only time a delayed commission is not paid is when a customer has received a refund.


Global Cookies

Real Global Cookies

Life Time Last Affiliate Cookies!

When you promote a vendor's product, you are automatically cookied for all products at DUvisio.com. Not just for a specific vendor. If a customer purchases another vendor's product and you are cookied to that customer, you will receive a commission payment.

Your cookie will continue to earn commissions until it is overwritten by another affiliate cookie.


Searchable Affiliate Marketplace

It's Easy To Search, Promote and Earn!

DUvisio Affiliate Marketplace contains products from a wide variety of categories, which is very easy to search and find a product you want to promote.

No need to wait for approval, just get your affiliate promotional tools and start earning instant commissions.

Easy Product Search

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Join For Free

No Out Of Pocket Cost To Join

Join For Free In Less Than 5 Minutes!

You can add as many products as you like to the DUvisio Marketplace. You will never be charged a fee for the products you add.

Check the "Special Features" tab to see the exact features that you receive with a Free Vendor (Seller) Membership.

NOTE: You are required to have a Verified PayPal Business Account to become a vendor at DUvisio. All applicants without a Verified PayPal Business Account will automatically become affiliate members with delayed commission payments and can't be a vendor.


Designed For Joint Ventures

Makes Joint Ventures Extremely Easy To Do!

DUvisio was designed from the ground up to make it easier (and more profitable) to do Joint Ventures. That means it can do cool things like give you the ability to have your JV partners get the list from the buyers they refer.

You can have up to two Joint Venture Parnters with the Free Vendor Membership.

NOTE: If one of your Joint Venture Partners has a Non-Verified PayPal Account, then all commission payments will be delayed. Choose your Joint Venture Partners wisely!

Joint Ventures


Affiliate Fraud Prevention

Unequalled Affiliate Fraud Prevention

Eliminates All Affiliate Fraud!

Vendors don't have to worry about approving affiliates because DUvisio has removed all affiliate fraud.

Only affiliates who have a verified PayPal account can receive instant commission payments. All affiliates with a non-verified PayPal account can only receive delayed commission payments.

NOTE: All delayed affiliate commission payments are paid automatically from the vendor's PayPal account 45 days after the sale is made. If a vendor's PayPal account does not have enough money to pay an affiliate commission, PayPal will take the money from the vendor's bank account or credit card, which the vendor has approved as their back up funds and pays the affiliate commission.

This guarantees that all affiliates with delayed commissions will be paid. The only time a delayed commission is not paid is when a customer has received a refund.


Block Affiliates

Stop Problem Affiliates From Promoting Your Products!

Just because DUvisio has eliminated fraud, does not mean that some affiliates can't become a nuisance. You are able to stop these troublesome affiliates very easily.

Block Affiliates



Increase Profits With Sales Funnels

It's A Breeze To Set Up Downsells and Upsells!

Upsells (OTOs) and Downsells can easily be added to any product with just one mouse click. Upsells and Downsells have proven to increase profits and DUvisio makes them extremely easy to use.


Build Your Own Affiliate Army

Easily Invite Affiliates From Your Website!

Vendors are given their own Affiliate Invite Button, which can easily be added to the Affiliate Invite page (JV Page) on their website, to build their own affiliate army.

Your affiliates are directed to a special affiliate program page that will only display your products. This eliminates all other products by your compeditors making it very easy for your affiliates to find and promote your products.

Affiliate Invitation


Promotional Tools

Hosted Promotional Tools

Give Affiliates Information To Promote Your Products!

Remember, Affiliates don't know anything about your product. So, give them different promotional tools they can copy/paste, which already contain their name and affiliate link.

DUvisio supplies special first and last name tokens along with an affiliate link token you can ad to your tools that will automatically add the affiliate's name and affiliate link to your swipe files when the affiliate is logged into their DUvisio account.

NOTE: DUvisio enables many more tools than any other affiliate/vendor network. Here is a list of the different tool types that are offered...

Email swipes, classified ads, blog posts, articles, clickable product images, banners and Twitter tweets.



Give Special Groups A Discount!

Vendors are able to create a unique coupon code that can be given out to special people or groups that will provide a special discount on their purchase.

The coupon can lower a default price, make a subscription trial period longer or change the amounts due on a subscription.

This coupon code is applied to the order page and the customer will see the changes the coupon code provides.

Coupon Codes


Private Store

Your Own Product Store

Evergreen All Your Products In One Place!

When you are a Vendor at DUvisio, you receive your own Private Store. Your store is automatically created when you add your products to DUvisio.

Now you can send people to see only your products when ever you want and not worry they will see similar products of your compeditors.

Visitors to your store will see images of you products, product overview descriptions, a link to your sales letter and a Buy Now link.NOTE: If you product description is lenghty, there is a Learn More button that can be click to display the enire product description.

There is also a RSS feed so you can display your store on your own website.

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DUvisio Feature List

  • Instant Adaptive Payments to Vendors & Affiliates at the point of sale.
  • Automatic Profit Sharing Between JV Partners at the point of sale.
  • Instant integration with any autoresponder to build a customer list.
  • Vendor can allow JV Partners to collect customer list in their own autoresponder.
  • Vendor has the option of a Private Market Place that only invited affiliates can see.
  • Unlimited OTO's (One-Time-Offers).
  • Unlimited Downsells.
  • Hosted affiliate tool pages containing swipe emails, tweets, banners, articles, blog posts, classified ads and more.
  • Affiliates NOT required to ask permission to promote vendor's products.
  • Vendors can easily retrieve instant commissions paid to affiliates in the event of a dispute or chargeback.
  • Can easily block any affiliate that has history of excessive refunds, difficult, annoying, fraudster, etc.
  • Sell subscrption products (auto recurring billing).
  • Sell physical products, collect sales tax and shipping fees.
  • Create Payment Plans.
  • Dimesale Technology (Price increases base on the Quantity sold).
  • Detailed tracking reporting per product.
  • Detailed Affiliate Activity Report tracking per product.
  • Test Mode (Allows you to test the complete sales process in PayPal's Sandbox before going live).
  • The Order Page can have your product header image as the header increasing conversion rate.
  • Ability to edit the Thank You Page.
  • Can automatically submit orders to Fulfillment Houses.
  • Wishlist Member integration.
  • RSS feeds for vendor's products.
  • Vendor Search to find a particular vendor's products.
  • Create a coupon to give special prospects a discount or trial period when purchasing vendor's products. (one coupon per product).
  • Vendors can easily invite affiliates from their own website to build your own affiliate army with the Direct Affiliate Button. (Vendor's affiliates will see just the vendor's products all in one marketplace to avoid competition from other vendor's products).
  • Vendor's affiliates are automatically added to the vendor's autoresponder so the vendor can easily communicate with his/her affiliates.
  • Unequaled in Fraud Protection for affiliates and vendors.
  • Free to join as an affiliate or a vendor.
  • A reliable support desk to help with any DUvisio problems within 24 hrs.
  • DUvisio is completely mobile ready now!

Platinum Membership Features

  • InstaJV as easy way to attract and find Joint Venture Partners.
  • Embedded Payments allow customers to pay for their purchase without leaving your website.(Coming Soon.)
  • Allow affiliates to give away vendor's FREE Reports from an Opt-in Page, builds the vendor's list and are automatically branded with the affiliate's links. (Optional: Also allow the affiliate to build their list while giving away vendor's Free Reports).
  • Create multiple coupons to give different special prospects a discount or trial period when purchasing vendor's products. (Up to 4 different coupons per product).
  • Create up to 5 different Custom Marketplaces to display vendor's products. (Other vendor's products can be displayed in Custom Marketplaces, which will automatically give you credit for sales as an affiliate).
  • RSS feeds are available for all Custom Marketplaces.
  • Go To Meeting webinar integration coming soon.
  • The DUvisio fee is lowered 2% from the normal fee.
  • The vendor can take off line sales through DUvisio's Virtual Terminal and still track affiliates and pay vendor partners, affiliates and broker. (Take credit cards over the phone and purchasers do not need a PayPal account.
  • The vendor can take ACH and Wire Transfer payments and still track and pay affiliates, vendor partners and brokers automatically. (Another form of offline sales, which still allows the tracking).
  • The vendor can correct a commission error for affiliate, vendor partner, or broker. (This just allows the vendor to pay a person who was suppose to receive a commission for a particular sale but for some reason did not get paid. Note: can't adjust an already paid commission).
  • Vendor can take credit cards through Stipe and the purchaser does not need a PayPal account.
  • Infusionsoft Integration allowing instant commissions while able to track all sales in the vendor's Keap account. (This includes the Keap autoresponder Integration).
  • Private Network accounts available. (White Label of DUvisio becomes the network owners private processor for the vendor and all the vendor's network members).

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